If one was to ask who the father of modern country music was, the answer would surely be Hank Williams, Sr (1923-1953). Hank’s music has influenced a wide-range of music, from country to rock to blues to gospel. But is he truly the epitome of country music? Lets look at the criteria I outlined in my previous entry.
First Criterion--Background:
Hank's songs revolved around hardships in life, broken hearts, and good times. If one simply glances over his biography, one can easily see that his life was filled with hardships, love affairs, and certainly good times.
Second Criterion--Wide-range of musical talent:
I challenge you to listen to some of his songs and tell me he doesn't have musical talent. His voice is very distinct, and aside from his grandson, his voice has yet to be matched. In addition to his vocals, Hank was a very skilled guitar player. Probably his biggest talent though was song writing. Though his lyrics are somewhat simple by today's standards, they touch the heart and soul of the listener.
Third Criterion--Innovative:
So is Hank Williams, Sr. truly the country music icon everyone makes him out to be?
Of course he is.
Of course he is.
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